To celebrate Black Catholic History Month, we were invited to participate in Living Witness: Black Catholic Faith Past, Present, and Promise–an evening of conversation, music, and reflection.
We were invited to celebrate Black Catholic History Month with Living Witness: Black Catholic Faith–Past, Present, and Promise, on Sunday, November 14 from 4-5:30 p.m. (PST). This event washosted by The Archdiocese of Seattle Black Catholic Advisory Circle, Immaculate Conception Parish, and Seattle University’s Campus Ministry, Center for Jesuit Education, and Institute for Catholic Thought and Culture.
Please join us on Zoom for an evening of conversation, music, and reflection with Dr. Ansel Augustine, faculty member at both Xavier University of Louisiana and Loyola University New Orleans. He is also New Orleans Area Director for Vagabond Missions.
At 8:00 p.m. we are invited to attend Mass in person in the Chapel of St. Ignatius at Seattle University, where Deacon Joseph Conor of Immaculate Conception Parish will preach, and music will be led by Sherrell Mitchell, choir director of Immaculate Conception Church.
Join this series comprised of four consecutive Mondays via Zoom starting on Monday, April 12 from 7:00 – 8:30pm (April 12, 19, 26 & May 3). Each meeting will feature three short videos given by Jesuits in formation. Each video will be followed by a short individual reflection time with a few questions to ponder, and then end by small group sharing.