Whenever you need to login to Pushpay again, simply go to our giving page and click on “Your Account.” It will ask your mobile number and text you a code. Enter the code and you’ll be logged in. While logged in, you can also enter an email and set up for traditional password access.
Yes, once you add an email to your profile you will receive confirmation emails.
Online giving is easier for you and better for us, so we’d love it if you set up a recurring online gift. However, we understand that not everyone wishes to do financial stewardship this way, so you will always be able to donate with check or cash, and we will continue to provide donation envelopes as a giving option.
If you want to give to specific causes beyond just Sunday tithing (such as St. Vincent de Paul), simply set up your gift for Sunday and then set up separate gifts for the other causes. Simply go to our giving page and use the drop down feature under "Fund. "Each gift takes less than 15 seconds to set up!
You can always call, email, or stop by our office between 8:30am and 4:30pm Monday through Friday. Lizzy Scholz is the best person to contact: 206.533.5070 [email protected].
Call or email Lizzy Scholz 206.533.5070 [email protected]. She will be happy to help!
We are being very rapid in canceling your Vanco giving, but there is a small chance of a duplicate charge coming through. If this happens, please don’t hesitate to contact us and we will refund the duplicate charge immediately.
You will be able to view your giving both in Pushpay and ParishStaq. ParishStaq includes historical giving to the parish from your family. However, we are migrating data from October 2022 to early April 2023 between our current system and ParishStaq. Rest assured the records of your donations within that period are still intact and will be visible in ParishStaq soon.
While the process of importing this data is underway, we sincerely thank you in advance for your patience and understanding.
When using Pushpay, you can be confident that your payment information is secure. Pushpay engages with a third-party assessor annually to validate that their systems are implemented securely and comply with the PCI Data Security Standard. Components of this program include third-party penetration tests, vulnerability scanning, patching, security incident management, daily log review, alerts for critical events, and much more. Find out more here.
Only yourself, your spouse, and members of the parish and Archdiocesan staff with access to privileged financial information will be able to see your financial records. In addition, if you give to multiple parishes in the diocese, the administrators of those parishes will only be able to see your giving to their parish.
Yes, you can create an account with two names on it such as “John and Jane Smith.” However, when it imports into Parishstaq it will be directly linked to one of the spouses for purposes of merging (both spouses will still be able to see the record of giving when logged into ParishStaq).
If you are a parishioner, you benefit from the staff, programs, and facilities of our parish, and they all have a cost. But this is not the most important reason. The most important is the following:
Giving of our time, talent, and treasure – in an intentional and calculated manner – is essential to our individual growth in holiness.
Here’s why: if we do not intentionally share our gifts, putting God and His Kingdom first, we will not be given the “higher” gifts because we have not been generous stewards of the gifts God has already given us. God looks for generous hearts already striving to put Him and others first; and to those He will ordinarily give the “higher” gifts, because that heart is already disposed to use those higher gifts for the benefit of others.
Everything we have is a gift from God and we’re called to share these gifts with others. Stewardship is our response to God’s generosity. As good stewards, we gratefully acknowledge God’s gifts, seek to cultivate them, and share them with others, as a sign of our love for God.
Stewardship starts in our parish. Within our parish we can sow the seeds of stewardship and watch them grow. As we enter our yearly Stewardship of Treasure renewal, we ask you prayerfully reflect on what God has given you and what you can give back in return.
Every person’s finances and family situation is different. Jesus makes it clear that it matters not how much one gives, but that it is planned, calculated, at least somewhat sacrificial (see Luke 24:1-4), and not simply from what is “leftover” at the end of the month.
Every person’s finances and family situation is different. Jesus makes it clear that it matters not how much one gives, but that it is planned, calculated, at least somewhat sacrificial (see Luke 24:1-4), and not simply from what is “leftover” at the end of the month.
The Old Testament puts forth a “tithe” – or 10% of one’s income – as the amount that goes back to God. In the New Testament Jesus praises Zacchaeus for giving half of his estate (Luke 19:1-10), and also calls some to give all their worldly possessions and follow Him! (Mark 10:21; Matthew 19:21; Luke 18:22)
We propose the tithe (10%) as the ideal every family can consider working towards. This means taking steps to give 5% to one’s parish, and 5% to other charities or causes you have personal passion for.